Top 10 Anticipated Superhero Movies in 2017

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As we all await the final hours until the year 2016 ends and 2017 arrives, I wanted to share a list of my most anticipated superhero movies coming in the New Year. These movies are going to be an incredible, my Magic8Ball told me so!

10. Transformers: The Last Knight
Bumblebee - Transformers: The Last Knight
The Transformers franchise is a fun trip down memory lane. As a child, I grew up watching Transformers every day after school along with G.I. Joe and Voltron. The new movies are fast-paced, action-packed and explosive events that you can't help but enjoy. My wish is that we get some character development or even a conversation in the next movie directed by Michael Bay.

9. Power Rangers
There were no other 12-year-old-girls who were as obsessed with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers than I was. I remember running around the house pretending to morph into a Power Ranger with my toy morpher. I was in LOVE with Jason Frank's character of Tommy Oliver. That crush hasn't seemed to disappear, even all of these years later. I jumped at the chance to meet him at the 2015 Wizard World Con in Richmond as if I was a teenybopper. This new reboot of the franchise is making me so happy and while I know that it won't be the same, I look forward to seeing how the new generation reacts to my favorite childhood television show.

One of my favorite YouTube videos was the Bootleg and Unauthorized version of the Power Rangers by Adi Shankar.

8. Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Kingsman was a pleasant surprise. I had no insight into the movie prior to seeing it. It looked like a fun movie - something to watch to kill some time. Much to my utter shock, it was a blast of a movie to watch. The comedy was over-the-top with cheesy one-liners, in-your-face product placement, and action so entertaining that it will make your head explode. We can only hope that part 2 will be filled with campy goodness.

7. Justice League
This movie, I am uncertain about. In my eyes, DC has a history of hit-or-miss movies. You either love them or you hate them, but either way, you'll go to see them. You've got a powerful team-up here - we'll pray DC gives each character enough screen time to make it character-centric and not just a non-stop action flick.

6. Star Wars Episode VIII
Star Wars Rogue One is now one of my favorite Star Wars movies, making the 8th episode of the iconic Star Wars a must-see! After the loss of Carrie Fisher last week, I am also looking forward to seeing Princess Leia, our heroine in her last role prior to her passing.

5. Spider-Man: Homecoming
What I am most excited about in Spider-Man: Homecoming is the fact that Iron Man is making several appearances in the movie. Robert Downey Jr. is by far the best actor of this generation and, as Stan Lee himself has spoken, was born to play Iron Man. His interaction with the child actor in Iron Man 3 was hysterical. My friends and I had been worried that it would turn into a Disney-fied junk, and were so happy to be proven wrong. Looking forward to the snarky version of Spider-Man as well.

4. Logan
This looks like to be the movie version of Old Man Logan - one of my favorite Wolverine comic books. I am sad because I don't think that Hawkeye's Jeremy Renner will appear, the addition of the X-23 character will definitely make up for it. I am also looking forward to seeing Sir Patrick Stewart's rendition of Professor Xavier for what I imagine will be the last time for the aging actor.

3. Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is a feminist's dream movie. She is strong - one of the most powerful in the DC universe and she desperately deserves a movie to do her character justice. I'll be first in line to get tickets when this movie comes out. It also looks like a movie that will be incredible in 3D IMAX.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy 2
The internet is a buzz about the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie. The first movie was one of my all-time favorite Marvel movies and I can't help but feel from the two trailers that have been released, that part 2 will quickly become my newest favorite. Baby Groot has stolen my heart.

1. Thor: Ragnarok

Not to sound too much like a fan-girl, but truly I can't get enough of Loki, which is why I am making Thor Ragnarok my #1 most anticipated movie of 2017. The addition of Bruce Banner and Thor are just icing on the cake. I can't imagine Marvel going wrong as long as Tom Hiddleston gets enough screen time.


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